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Reading glass for the pocket

I don't need glasses all the time, but as I'm getting older I do find it harder read fine print. I like to carry reading glasses so that I don't get stuck when I'm out and about, but I don't want to always carry a bulky glasses case. I like to try and find reading glasses that are compact and can easily be carried in the pocket and are pretty hardy so they don't get too scratched up. This blog is all about affordable options for pocket reading glasses to keep you able to read all those tiny fonts and prints.


Reading glass for the pocket

    Four possible side effects of cataract surgery, and how to deal with them

    Cataract surgery is a very effective procedure to restore your vision. It involves replacing a clouded lens with a clear artificial one. It is a very safe operation, but as with all medical procedures, there may be a few side effects. Here are some things you may notice, and some tips on dealing with them. Blurred vision Blurred vision is quite normal after cataract surgery. It is caused by the eye swelling as a result of the operation.

    Can You Wear Lenses Overnight to Improve Your Vision?

    Over the decades, there have been many advances in the world of opticians. Contact lenses became a serious alternative to glasses, and these lenses became softer, longer-lasting and easier for the eye. While these corrective devices were still at least a little intrusive, they may have been a better option than surgery, although now a new solution has come along that may offer the best of all worlds to someone who is shortsighted.

    Eye Care: Could You Have Keratitis?

    Keratitis affects the cornea and is a relatively common eye condition, particularly in those who wear contact lenses. The cornea is the protective film layer at the front of the eye. When it develops a scratch or small abrasion, bacteria can cause an infection to take hold. Scratches can occur from rubbing your eye too hard, trauma or putting contacts in without proper care. Keratitis responds well to treatment when addressed early, but if you ignore keratitis you could experience permanent sight damage.

    Eye Care Do's and Dont's Post Cataract Surgery

    Despite their typical association with the elderly, cataracts are a common eye condition that effect many people irrespective of age. Granted, ageing is a leading cause but other risk factors include hypertension, continually exposing your eyes to ultraviolet rays, and even diabetes. Fortunately, this condition can easily be remedied via cataract surgery. However, since your eyes will be highly sensitive for a few days post-surgery, it is crucial that you not only adhere to the aftercare instructions handed to you by your optometrist but that you also know how best eye care measures to take.

    Refractive Eye Errors and the Corrective Surgeries You Need

    Vision problems are a pain for anyone regardless of their gender or age. They impede your quality of life and remove the comfort in doing some routine activities such as working on a computer, reading and using a mobile phone. Some people resort to temporary solutions like covering their screens with dimming accessories, but that does not solve the problem. You need corrective procedures that will help your eyes recover and improve the quality of your life.

    A Short Guide To Cataracts

    Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions and are especially common in older people. A cataract is a cloudy patch on the lens inside your eye, which gets bigger and eventually causes vision changes and loss. They can be diagnosed during a routine eye test by your eye doctor, which means that taking care of your eye health through regular appointments is vital. This short guide aims to explain cataracts from their symptoms and diagnosis through to treatment.

    Clear Vision: What Else Your Eye Test Can Tell You

    Whether you wear glasses or not, it's recommended that you go to have your eyes tested once every two years - or annually, if you're older than 60 or have an existing eye condition.  You may feel it's an inconvenience, especially if your prescription hasn't changed in a long time.  After all, everybody has a very busy schedule these days, and there are plenty of things to do that seem more important than reading a row of letters.

    Reduce The Risk of Falling in Your Senior Years By Treating These 2 Causes

    As you approach your later years, falls are one of the biggest risks you need to look out for. Government research found that over a period of just 1 to 2 years, almost 100,000 Australians over the age of 65 were hospitalised following a fall. Falling can cause serious injuries, and it can be fatal. Accidental falling was responsible for the deaths of almost 1,500 Australians over 70 years of age in 2010.